Friday, May 21, 2010

"Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold..." Matthew 24:12

Jesus said that he did not know when The End would come, but he gave the Apostles certain signs that would indicate it was close at hand.

One sign was to be an increase in lawlessness. Worldwide crime statistics indicate a tripling of violent crime and quadrupling of property crime from 1965 and 2005. Since a lot of countries under report crime activity, out of embarrassment, the figures are probably higher.

All one has to do is turn on the news, real news, not Entertainment Tonight; and it is apparent: cybercrime, home burglaries, thieves crashing cars into stores to rob them, pedophilia, rapes, child abuse, spousal abuse. And then there is abortion if one considers a human fetus to be alive; but that can be a topic for another day.

Jesus fortold these signs to warn us to be prepared, if we can prepare for the end, so we need to pay attention. He said the signs would be obvious, and they could not be moreso.

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