Friday, May 28, 2010

Foreward to The End The Book


Most folks believe that the world had a beginning and that it will have an end. Books have been written and movies made. Nostradamus, the Mayans and the Hopi Indians all indicate that the end will be December 21, 2012, according to their predictions.

There is another story about The End, as we know it, that predates Nostradamus and the Indians by several thousand years. It does not mention 2012, but it does list many signs that will be present just before, signs that are happening at this very moment for those who care to see.

This book is a fictional account, like the Left Behind series, which is based on the Books of Revelation, Daniel and Ezekiel.

It is interesting that many people believe the Nostradamus stories but not the Bible’s, though Biblical predictions (prophecies) have been tested and determined to be true, over and over and over again.

This is the story of a seven-year journey by Jeffrey Ross, the main character, who is an atheist. This novel is designed for the unbeliever as well as the believer, a book that may answer some of the questions posed by the likes of Bill Maher, Jack Nicholson, Angelina Jolie and other celebrities who apparently claim atheism as their belief system.

One of the things the Bible states in its predictions about The End is that it will be like it was in the Days of Noah. People will be partying hardy, scoffing at believers, drinking and being merry and trying to make a fool of God. Then it started to rain.

That is happening today. Many are lovers of themselves, lovers of material things, narcissistic and believe that mankind evolved from the single-celled amoeba, not created supernaturally.

Then the end will come. There will be no laughing on that day.

Though this is a fictional account of how it could happen, it is based on years of research, not just from the Bible and the Koran, but also from archeological research and discovery.

It will not be a happy camper type of day, as that day is described as the day of God’s wrath.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The End

When will THE END come, a question that even Jesus could not answer when asked by the Apostles.

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32

Jesus did not know how long God, the Ultimate Father, would be patient with us. How patient are we with our own kids? He is even more so, giving us chance after chance, thankfully. But even his patience will run out.

In 1960, 98% of US citizens claimed to be Christian or Jew, with less than 1% claiming the religion of atheism, a belief in no god of any kind. In 2009, only 78% polled claimed to be Christian or Jew, and atheism grew to a whopping 15%. How do you think that happened?

Did we evolve by accident or were we intentionally created?

If you ever study the complexity of the human eyeball, you can only wonder how it could have happened by accident. One would have to win the Big Lottery millions of times before that could happen, at least statistically, and of course it was no accident.

As we have kicked God out of the public school system (He used to be there you know) and the Ten Commandments out of libraries and court houses, have things gotten better or worse? Has crime gone up, or down? Has there been a pedophilia explosion? A divorce explosion? Are children more polite to adults today or the days of God still having a place, small but there, in the school system? The school was the only place that many children ever heard about God and his teachings, and rules.

Of course, it's certainly not politically correct to have God in the public square. That might be an endorsement of God, and the intellectual elite tell us that's a no-no, it might offend others who might worship Molech or Zeus.

I think God wants to be endorsed, especially after all the blessings he has bestowed on this country since the days of the Revolutionary War. He told us he was a jealous God right there in Exodus 20:5,

"You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.."

I have to ask why we, as Christians and Jews, believers in the God of Abraham, have allowed this to happen. Why have we appeased those who would have you believe that God is a myth? Or was it our parents that allowed it to happen?

God's journey out the schoolhouse door really began in 1963, when Madalyn Murray O'Hair, a reknowned atheist, successfully sued a Maryland school district because she didn't want her child exposed to such mythicism. I was in the 10th grade then, so I couldn't do a lot about it.

Somebody dropped the ball, and we, the baby boomers never picked it back up.

God's patience is running out, the prophetic signs are happening every day for those who care to see, people are laughing and mocking the belief in God, just like they were doing in the days of Noah, and then it started raining.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."

Matthew 24:37-39

How long will God put up with our stuff?

Monday, May 24, 2010

"Watch out for false prophets." Matthew 7:15

Here's the entire verse:

"Watch out for false prophets.They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." Matthew 7:15

To be a Biblical prophet was not an easy job. Jonah actually refused God's calling to go to Nineveh and prophecy out of fear for his life. The Jews often killed the prophets of the time, because they didn't like the message. Actual prophets could not lie. If you've ever seen the movie Liar Liar with Jim Carey, you know how difficult it can be when one only speaks the truth.
The ancient Jewish prophets spoke in the first person for God, God putting the words in their mouths. they made predictions about the future, and they always came true, 100%.

Jesus was a prophet and made many predictions about the Last Days, the End Times, predictions that are coming true today for those who wish to see.

How does Jesus compare to Muhammad? The Koran refers to Muhammad as a prophet of God, but was he?

Though Elton John claimed recently that Jesus was "gay," the Bible indicates just the opposite. Jesus was sinless, sexually pure and never married.

Muhammad on the other hand, reportedly had as many as 13 wives, possibly more, though in the Koran, Sura 4 (Sura 4 concerns women), Muhammad teaches that it is ok to have up to 4 wives.

There is not indication that Jesus abused children, yet Muhammad's favorite wife was Aisha. When he married her, Muhammad was in his mid to late fiftys. Aisha was 6!! I guess the good news here is that Muhammad waited until she was 9 before they had sex. That does not sound like a what-would-Jesus-do moment.

While the Old Testament taught an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, Muhammad taught a hundred eyes for an eye, and a hundred teeth for a tooth. Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek and love your enemy.

The Old Testament refers to God as the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The Koran teaches that God is the Father of Abraham, Ismael, Isaac and Jacob.

Ismael was the illegitimate child of Abraham from the union of Abraham and a servant girl, Hagar, and was later shunned.

Jesus treated women as equals to men, yet Muhammad taught that a woman's word, vote or opinion was worth only half of a man's. In an Islamic country's election, a man's vote counts twice as much as a woman's, and women can't drive.

According to the Koran, if a woman is unfaithful to her husband, she should be locked away until death or killed. If a man commits adultery, he need only apologize. How Godly is that?

So I ask you: Does Muhammad seem like a prophet? Did he make any predictions that have come true? Is his extreme libido "prophet worthy?" Is marrying 6 year olds a Godly type of thing?

When someone tells you that Islam is a "peaceful" religion, it is a lie. You need look no further than the Koran. Does that mean that all Muslims want to kill those of other persuasions, like Americans and Europeans? No it does not. Muslim groups claim that only about 10-15% of Muslims want to kill us, so that would be about 180,000,000- 200,000,000 Muslims bent on our destruction.

Most Muslims are very devout people and truly believe in God (Allah.. though Allah was their Moon god before he became their real God, and the Moon still plays a big part in the religion of Islam). Unfortunately, they have been misled since Muhammad's death in 632 AD and have fallen for the deception that they are now God's chosen people and not the Jews. They have fallen for the deception that Christians worship three gods, and this belief has been fueled by the many teachings in Christianity that God is a trinity, made up of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This is directly contrary to the first Commandment, where God plainly states, "You shall have no other gods before me." (note the lower case "g"). He did not say there were no other Divine Beings, only that he was God, and they were gods.

So do you think that Muhammad was God's prophet? I think not.

Friday, May 21, 2010

"Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold..." Matthew 24:12

Jesus said that he did not know when The End would come, but he gave the Apostles certain signs that would indicate it was close at hand.

One sign was to be an increase in lawlessness. Worldwide crime statistics indicate a tripling of violent crime and quadrupling of property crime from 1965 and 2005. Since a lot of countries under report crime activity, out of embarrassment, the figures are probably higher.

All one has to do is turn on the news, real news, not Entertainment Tonight; and it is apparent: cybercrime, home burglaries, thieves crashing cars into stores to rob them, pedophilia, rapes, child abuse, spousal abuse. And then there is abortion if one considers a human fetus to be alive; but that can be a topic for another day.

Jesus fortold these signs to warn us to be prepared, if we can prepare for the end, so we need to pay attention. He said the signs would be obvious, and they could not be moreso.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"There will be ... earthquakes in various places." Matthew 24:7

The Mayans and the Hopi Indians predicted The End was going to be December 21, 2012.

The Bible never mentioned 2012 or any other date; and even Jesus said he did not know the time and the date. He did say that certain signs would precede the event. One of the signs would be an increase in earthquakes. Is this happening?

In 1973 there were approximately 5,000 total earthquakes (worldwide) above 2.5 on the Richter scale. In 2006 there were almost 30,000. Now let's be clear (Obamaism), there are more seismographs now than there were in 1973. However, major earthquakes, 7.0 and above, have been monitored closely since 1863; and because of the magnitude, they are easily monitored.

You be the judge:

1863-1901 38 years 12 earthquakes <>
1901-1938 38 years 53 earthquakes <>
1939-1976 38 years 71 earthquakes <>
1977-2010 (April) 34 years 151 earthquakes <>

We report. You decide.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Elton John says Jesus was gay!!

Can you believe that? Nothing that comes out of Sir Elton John's mouth should be surprising. How could the Queen of England have made this guy a "Sir?"

The Sun reports that according to an interview in February, 2010, Elton, 62, declares as he pours out his heart to a magazine: "I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems."

Now Elton, I know you consider yourself to be extremely intelligent, but where exactly in the Bible did it say that? You need to go back and study the Book. Apparently you missed the Sodom (Sodomy) and Gomorrah story. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of gayness, or whatever it was called back then. In those two towns, gay-marriage must have been the lifestyle of the day; and look what happened??

I'm not sure how such an intelligent-in-his-own-mind man (I use the term loosely) could conjure up such a belief about Jesus, but that's show biz.

Sorry Sir Elton, God was pretty specific about the sex-sin thing: No homosexuality (God referenced that as an abomination.. not exactly an endorsement), no adultery, no fornication, no pedophilia, no beastiality, no necrophilia. I don't think that Jesus, His perfect son, would have gone against God's will.

Now don't get me wrong. Most of us have had a sexual sin or two in our lives. That's why there is forgiveness. But don't put words in God's mouth. He doesn't need your help.

Read more:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Is the world really ending December 21, 2012?

Most folks believe that the world had a beginning and that it will have an end. Books have been written and movies made. Nostradamus, the Mayans and the Hopi Indians all indicate that the end will be December 21, 2012, according to their predictions.

There is another story about The End, as we know it that predates Nostradamus and the Indians by several thousand years. It does not mention 2012, but it does list many signs that will be present just before, signs that are happening at this very moment for those who care to see.

This book is a fictional account, like the Left Behind series, which is based on the Books of Revelation, Daniel and Ezekiel.

It is interesting that many people believe the Nostradamus stories but not the Bible’s, though Biblical predictions (prophecies) have been tested and determined to be true, over and over and over again.

This is the story of a seven-year journey by Jeffrey Ross, the main character, who is an atheist. This novel is designed for the unbeliever as well as the believer, a book that may answer some of the questions posed by the likes of Bill Maher, Jack Nicholson, Angelina Jolie and other celebrities who apparently claim atheism as their belief system.

One of the things the Bible states in its predictions about The End is that it will be like it was in the Days of Noah. People will be partying hardy, scoffing at believers, drinking and being merry and trying to make a fool of God. Then it started to rain.

That is happening today. Many are lovers of themselves, lovers of material things, narcissistic and believe that mankind evolved from the single-celled amoeba, not created supernaturally.

Then the end will come. There will be no laughing on that day.

Though this is a fictional account of how it could happen, it is based on years of research, not just from the Bible and the Koran, but also from archeological research and discovery.

It will not be a happy camper type of day, as that day is described as the day of God’s wrath.